Red: Werewolf Hunter

Platform: iTunes (owned movie)

Director: Sheldon Wilson

Release Year: 2010

Watch Date: June 20, 2021

My Rating: 7.8

The way B movies go, this one was actually pretty great. For starters it stars Felicia Day, who I have adored since I first saw her in season 7 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I don’t have a ton to say about this movie, but here it goes.

Red brings home her fiancée and wants to tell him about the family business of hunting werewolves (I love this take on Little Red Riding Hood). The fiancée doesn’t believe her and runs off into the woods, where he is attacked and bitten by a werewolf. This werewolf can change into a werewolf any time, not just during the three nights of the full moon.

As long as fiancé doesn’t kill anyone as a werewolf, he is able to be changed back if the werewolf who bit him is killed……so the movie goes with Red, her brothers, and her grandmother setting out to kill the werewolf clan. Grandma deviates from the plan and tries to kill werewolf fiancé who kills her instead. Everyone dies except Red and Werewolf fiancé who has bitten Red. Red kills the fiancé and cries. The movie ends with Red reading the story of Little Red Riding Hood to her daughter and a werewolf howling.

It’s not amazing cinema, but it is pretty fabulous for a low budget, small cast, B horror flick. I will be watching it again.

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