Curvy Girl Can Cook

Blogger kept wanting to close my old blog, because I hardly ever posted. I didn’t want to lose my original blog posts from, so I moved them here. I’m hoping that paying for my blog will encourage me to post more. See my “About” section for more on why I started blogging again.

Introductions All Around

Originally published January 22, 2017

Hello!  Welcome to my blog, thanks for taking the time to read my musings!

So, let's get down to the nitty gritties.  I'm mostly doing this to improve my writing skills and provide myself with some comic stress relief.  I'm not going to make promises about posting every day, because lets face it.....things get busy and there are only 17 usable hours in my day (most of which are already scheduled for work, cooking, cleaning, etc.),  I do promise to post funny stories, quips, drawings, reviews, and delicious recipes as often as I can.

I was born in a "haunted" hospital near Denver in 1984.  I like to brag to my siblings that I was born in the best year of the three of us because all of these things happened in 1984:

* The original Apple Macintosh personal computer went on sale.
* The first commercial CD players came out.
* The MTV video music awards started.
* These great movies came out:  GhostbustersGremlinsPolice AcademySplash, and The Terminator.

Naturally they think I'm weird.......I'm beginning to suspect they are right, but I wouldn’t want to be anyone other than who I am!

My dad was in the Air Force until I was 11 and during that time we lived in Colorado, New Mexico, Washington, Guam, and Nebraska.  Once my dad retired we moved to western Washington and hunkered down for the long haul.  After I finally graduated from High School, I moved to eastern Washington to get as far away from my parents as I could without having to pay out of state tuition.

I graduated with a Bachelors in Accounting and after a year off taking care of my mom and getting enough credits to take the CPA exam, I started working as a governmental auditor.  I ended up not getting my CPA because I didn't really want to work in public accounting.  After 8 years as a governmental auditor, I left my job and its crazy traveling and got a steady, in town, 9-5 job as a grants and contracts manager for a governmental entity.  I still have this job.  During the last half of my previous job, and the first little bit of my current job, I went back to school and got a Masters in Accounting.  Call me crazy, but I just got accepted to a Doctorate in Business Administration (emphasis in leadership) program that starts this summer.  I'm excited for it to start!

Aside from my busy work schedule, I also belong to a women's leadership organization that teaches leadership skills through service opportunities, I play with my nephews and nieces as often as I can, I cook, bake, clean, and do a variety of craft projects, and I try to stay as positive and stress free as possible

Soup for 2…or an Army….Whatever

Originally Published February 6, 2017

Let me start by saying that I hate recipes....they take half the adventure out of cooking.  However, this contempt for recipes sometimes gets me into trouble.  I invited my friend Lila over for homemade turkey noodle soup and rolls one winter. I was really excited because I figured it couldn’t be that hard.  I got the rolls raising (I use Rhodes frozen rolls....the kind that look like you slaved away all day on them).  Then I boiled off the turkey bones with some soup greens in my 10 quart stock pot and shredded the leftover turkey while I waited.  I figured then I would have some yummy broth to save for another time.

I pulled out my 6 quart Dutch oven and started to make a mirepoix.  The carrots, onions, and celery were sautéing up nicely.  I added some fresh ground salt and pepper.  The smell was amazing!  Then it happened.......I went to add some came out of the bottle a lot faster than I had anticipated.  Because I was dumping with my left hand and stirring with my right hand I made it impossible to pick out some of the sage.

So......I decided to add more carrots celery and onions.  That's a reasonable response, right?  Next thing I knew, I had half a Dutch oven of veggies.  I put the lid on the pot to cook them down and set about straining the bones out of the broth.  I guess I didn't really need leftovers for another time.  I added  the mirepoix and the turkey to the pot and waited for the concoction to boil.  Meanwhile I started making homemade noodles.  I actually used a recipe......but didn't realize the friend I got it from tripled the recipe.  So.  Many.  Noodles.

While I waited for the  noodles to dry, I decided to taste the soup. It was supposed to be turkey soup… not sage soup. Something had to be done. So I raided my cupboards for chicken stock.  It was at this point I realized I would not be able to fit the noodles in the pan if I added more stock.  Out came my 20 quart stock pot.  To put that in perspective, the pot holds 5 GALLONS.  I decided it would be better to use some chicken flavored "Better than Bullion" instead of the chicken stock so I added more water to the pot and some flavoring.  After all that came to a boil I tried the soup again and found it to be much better.

I put the rolls in the oven and added the noodles to the soup.  I reduced down the temperature and waited for my friend to arrive.  She showed up just as I pulled the rolls out of the oven.  She walked into the kitchen and abruptly stopped.

L (looking at the pot with huge eyes): What happened?!?
Me: I made soup.
L: For you and your 50 closest friends?
Me: You said you were hungry.
L: No I didn't.
Me: I'm sure you did.
L stares at me blankly.
Me: Or was it that you were bringing hungry friends?  Or was it Caterpillars?
L: What?  Have you been reading the Very Hungry Caterpillar again?
Me: No, have you?
L: No, I'm so confused.
Me: That's because you are hungry, have some soup.
L: The soup for the army?
M: You said you wanted leftovers.
L: No I didn't.
Me:  I'm sure you did. (Trying so hard not to laugh)
L: You're impossible!!!  But seriously, leftovers would be great.

The soup was amazing.  I sent Lila home with a gallon or so and froze most of the rest of it.  I ate it for lunch for what felt like forever.  Good times 😂

Lies I Tell Myself and Others

Originally posted February 20. 2017

DISCLAIMER:  So, my intention is to try as much as possible to keep this blog light and fun, but I feel very strongly that I NEED to post about this particular topic.  I apologize if it sounds like a bit of craziness.

I'm fine.  Two simple words.  I say them, and hear them from others, all the time.  These words are the biggest lie I am telling myself......and you.

You:  Oh hey, how are you?

Me:  I'm fine.  How are you?

You:  I'm fine.

But I'm not fine, and in all likelihood, neither are you.  I literally feel like my world is falling apart lately.  I don't feel as fulfilled in my daily activities as I would like and I suffer from crippling bouts of self doubt and loneliness.  I know that part of this is because have this dislike for social situations and I am awkward and introverted.  I'm really good at looking like I have it all together, but I don't.  But the rest of it is part of my chemical make-up.  I'm an accountant, not a geneticist or a psychologist, so I don't really understand it all, but something inside me seems to be a little broken.

So, why the lies?  Everyone seems so busy these days.  We fill our schedules with as much as possible until we are overwhelmed.  Then, we see how busy everyone else is and I think we don't want to burden others with our problems.  I personally also think that other people probably don't care about my problems.  The "hi, how are you" conversation seems to be done in passing with neither party stopping to really listen to the answer.

If any of the above rings true for you, then you are probably just like me in that you just keep pushing through.  I am constantly telling myself that my problems are my problems and things will just get better if I keep doing my best.  I keep telling myself that I am fine and the more I say it, the more I believe it.  Sometimes I am very good at talking myself out of being not okay and into really being okay.......but sometimes it builds and builds until I break.

So, here is my challenge to you.  Stop saying "I'm fine" when you aren't.  I'm going to work on this too.  Say, "I'm hanging in there" or "I'm taking it one grain of sand at a time."  Be more honest with those around you.  Let them know that you aren't okay.  On the flip side, when you ask someone how they are doing, be prepared to fully listen to their answer and care what they say.  Listen to their problems if they choose to share them.  Let them know you care about them.  Sometimes people just need someone to listen to them so that they feel like they matter.  Until someone takes the time to listen to you, find a way to get your feelings out there.  Pray, write in a journal, tell a friend, go see a counselor......something.

Be good to each other, and be good to yourself.  You're the only you you have.  You are a strong capable person with endless potential.  I mean that.  You are important and whether it seems like you do or not, you have an important role to play in the world.  You never know whose life you are touching and making a little bit brighter.  💗

Delicious Sloppy Gloop

Originally published March 6, 2017

We already know that I am incapable of making food for exactly the number of people I am serving.....I like to tell myself it's because then I can send people home with leftovers.....but really it's because I don't use a recipe.  Recipes are boring!  Half of the time I get to the end of a recipe, laugh to myself, and think "well that definitely isn't going to happen."

Let me reiterate.......not using recipes gets me into BIG trouble......but some how everything always turns out okay in the end.

Once upon a time I use to have parties at my house.  I'm not so good with the socializing thing, but my friend Goosie likes people, and I like spending time with Goosie.  Plus, the more people that come over, the more likely it is that I cooked for the right number of people.  I'm not sure if I am remembering this story right....but this is how I am going to tell it.

On one such occasion we were going to have some hearty beef and barley soup.  Everything was going amazing.  The meat cooked well and the broth tasted delicious.  The rolls smelled warm and mouth watering.  All that was left to do was put the barley in the soup for cooking.  I dumped some barley in the pot.......then I dumped some more......and then I just didn't think it looked like enough so I dumped in some more.

I kept stirring the soup in the pot to keep it from burning on the bottom.  Every time I stirred I became more concerned that the soup was going to be too thick.  By the time the soup was finished it was thick like oatmeal.  I was discouraged, people would be arriving any minute and it's not like I could make another batch of soup.  I debated getting out the five gallon pot and adding beef broth.  Just as I was on my hands and knees digging out the pot, there was a knock at the door.

I opened the door to find Goosie.  I was happy she was the first to arrive.  I told her my dilemma and she asked to taste the soup.  She declared that it was the most "delicious gloop" she had tasted,  Everyone else arrived, we ate, and all seemed to enjoy the gloop.  I don't remember how many people came that day (besides Goosie that is), but I remember that stinking soup and that everyone had fun.

Goosie still asks for gloop sometimes when she comes over for dinner, but I've never been able to make it the same.  I am grateful for good friends and fun memories.

Starting Again

Originally posted December 23, 2018

One of the great things about life is our ability to start over.  That grants job I had back in 2017 took a turn for the worst not too long after my last post.  The atmosphere was turning me into someone I am not.  So...I quit my job without having another job.  I moved in with a wonderful couple and found another job.  I was a little worried the new job wouldn’t work in the long run because I was making considerably less than I had been, but I knew everything would work out in the end.

This past summer I grabbed an opportunity to start over.  I mean really start over.  I moved from eastern Washington to western Washington to be an Accounts Payable Supervisor.  I don’t regret my decision at all.  I get really lonely sometimes and I really miss the family I left behind, but I have met good people and I love my new job.  I am grateful for this opportunity in my life. I also did end up going to school for my doctorate.  I am four quarters in and should graduate in June of 2020.  My dissertation is on how laughter affects productivity in the workplace.

Along with my big move, I have decided that 2019 is going to be my year to get healthy.  The new health coach I started using suggested blogging about my progress, which reminded me about this blog.  I love sharing my stories with you all, so why not share funny stories and talk about my progress at the same time?

Here are my goals, feel free to send me messages to help keep me on them:

  • Blog at least once a week (hoping for Sundays).

  • Cook more meals at home that are delicious and well balanced.

  • Take up walking and yoga.

  • Stop mindlessly eating while I study.  Food belongs at the table, not on the recliner or couch.

  • During at least a gallon of water a day.  To help with this I am buying a gallon water bottle from Amazon and I got some fun infuser pods so I can throw fruit in my water.

  • Stop drinking soda. Sparkling flavored water is okay, I am debating whether I want to invest in a soda stream.

  • My initial weight loss goal is 40 pounds, but it is more about getting healthy and changing my lifestyle than it is about weight.

Here we go!

On to 2019

Originally posted January 1, 2019

Happy 2019!

So, it isn’t Sunday....but it hasn’t been two months since my last post either, that’s something, right? Today I want to talk about new year’s resolutions.  I personally didn’t make any, mostly because I don’t want to be disappointed when I don’t live up to my resolutions in two months.  That’s the frustration I have every year, so this year I will make some efforts:

  • I will make an effort to lose 40 pounds.

  • I will make an effort to be kinder than I feel.

  • I will make an effort to study and live my faith.

  • I will make an effort to eat more home cooked meals.

  • I will make an effort to blog about my adventures more.

  • I will make an effort to be kinder to, and easier on, myself.

Whether you make goals, resolutions, or efforts this year, I wish you a happy, healthy, and productive 2019.

Kicking off the Holidays

Originally posted November 29, 2019

Apparently I am doing annual posts instead of at least monthly like I was hoping.  Well, 2020 is coming fast and hopefully it will bring a year better for blogging.  At the very least, school should settle down after March and with any luck, I will have my doctorate by the end of September.

Yesterday was Thanksgiving, so today is the first day I won’t feel the least bit guilty for pulling out Christmas stuff.  To fuel my weekend of dissertation writing, I decided a batch of easy Christmas cookies was in order...but I wanted something easy. Growing up my mom made butterscotch haystack cookies every Christmas season. I thought thy were okay, but they always seemed to be missing something. One year my sister’s step mother-in-law sent a different kind of haystack cookie. These had chocolate chips and cashews with the butterscotch chips and chow mein noodles instead of peanut butter.  They were like a revelation of haystack goodness. So, that’s what I made today.

You need:
1 bag butterscotch chips
1 bag semi-sweet chocolate chips (or dark chocolate, milk chocolate makes it really sweet.
9-12 oz chow mein crunchy noodles (I buy the 12 oz bag and use about 3/4)
Cashew pieces (to taste I use a whole 6 oz bag).

Step 1: Melt the chips together.  Most recipes tell you to do this in the microwave, but I don’t own a microwave because I don’t like the way food tastes when it is microwaved, so I use a double boiler.  Double boilers also help prevent over cooking the chips.  Before I had a double boiler, I used to put a bigger pan on top of a smaller pan of boiling water (I have a trio of sauce pans from Costco).  The trick with a double boiler is to wait for the water to boil in the first pan before adding the second pan and then to stir often to get all of the chips to melt.

While the chips are melting out the cashews and chow mein noodles in a large mixing bowl.

Step 2: pour the melted chips over the dry ingredients and mix until completely covered.  At this point you can add more noodles if you want.  Remember it is always easier to add more than to take out, so start smaller.
Step 3: spoon onto wax paper and let rest until solidified. Enjoy! 

Holiday Joy

Originally posted December 24, 2019

Hello, hello, hello!!!  I will admit, today has been an unusually hard day. Not hard for the regular reasons, but hard because I had people struggles. Christmas is tomorrow...a Wednesday...which makes it hard to do things like go visit family on the other side of the state. Everyone who I encountered at work today asked what my Christmas plans are, and none of them liked my answer of “staying home and watching movies by myself.” They got these sympathetic looks on their faces and told me how sad my plans are and how sorry they feel for me. A few even offered to have me come spend Christmas with them (which is super sweet). I declined all of the offers. Christmas is for families and I would feel awkward spending Christmas with people I don’t know.

Yes, I’m a little sad to be spending Christmas by myself, but I am grateful to have family who loves me, because some people don’t. I feel blessed to have friends in my life who care about me. I have food in my refrigerator, a roof over my head, and a good life. I hope this holiday season brings you all love and joy. Remember to cherish the people in your life who make it brighter, be grateful for what you have, and give what you can...even if it is just kindness and a smile. May 2020 be your best year yet!

Now you are all caught up on my old blog posts. Thanks for reading!