Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Platform: Disney+

Director: George Lucas

Release Year: 2002

Watch Date: June 20, 2021

My Rating: 5.3

Ah, so we finally get to another Star Wars film. As you know, I hated episode 1 with a passion. I don’t like this one much more. The characters all annoyed me….and when I say all, I mean all. Most irritating was Anakin. I find his romance with Padme creepy. I get that it isn’t really….but it kind of is. The last time she saw him he was a little kid. And for him to be obsessing over her for the last 10 years……um……yeah.

I find it frustrating that Anakin keeps saying that Obi Wan is like a father to him, but het he blatantly shows disrespect by leaving Naboo to go back to Tatooine in search of his mother. But yet when Mace Windu tells him to stay put and not go rescue Obi Wan he listens. It takes Padme to get him to go after Obi Wan. WTF?!? To me that shows a blatant disregard for Obi Wan and further proves Anakin’s disdain for Obi Wan and his general self absorbency.

Jar-Jar Binx was back as his normal bumbling self. The more I think about him, the more I agree with the theory that he is not a bumbling idiot and is in fact a genius Sith Lord. Padme should have never given him authority to act on her behalf as senator, but he takes full advantage of that authority to give Chancellor Palpatine all the power of the senate….Hello! Palpatine is the freaking bad guy!

Speaking of being the bad guy, you can totally see how Palpatine is grooming Anakin to be his next sidekick already. Just a little more work and Anakin will be right were Palpatine wants him. Obviously…..since Anakin turns into Darth Vader in the next episode I am really hoping that the next episode is better than these last two have been.

I’m not sure I would watch this movie again.

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A quirky adventurer who often has misadventures.

Red: Werewolf Hunter


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