My Rating System

So, my rating system probably seems strange to you. Especially since I have been known to give opposite ratings from popular opinion. I know that I look at movies differently from most people and I hope to give you a different perspective on things you might not have thought about. For instance, people hated the Fear Street Trilogy…..but I thought it was actually pretty good. It was engaging, had good casting, great cinematography, a good script, and a fairly complete story.

So, here is how I look at movies:

Script: I am looking to see if the script is well written and if it makes sense. Are there any plot holes? Is the dialogue necessary? Is there foreshadowing?

Cinematography: Believe it or not, a good shot goes way farther with me that CGI. They don’t make movies the way that they used to, and sometimes it shows. I am looking for whether the shots fit with the screen and the story. How is color used? How is light used?

Acting: You can have the best script in the world and ruin it with terrible actors. Conversely, you can have a terrible script that can be redeemed by the talents of the actors. Here I am looking to see if the actors selected were right for the parts they were given.

Overall feel: How did the movie come together? Does it work or is it disjointed?


A quirky adventurer who often has misadventures.

Werewolves Within


Fear Street Part Three: 1666