Werewolves Within

Platform: iTunes (rental)

Director: Josh Ruben

Release Year: 2021

Watch Date: July 7, 2031

My Rating: 8.4

Where do I even start with this one? I loved it. I was a little leery, but I needed something new so I rented it. Renting movies is out of the ordinary for me (I did try to buy it, but it hadn’t been released for purchase yet). This movie is one of those rare gems that is exciting to find.

Nice guy Park Ranger Finn has just moved to Beaverfield to make sure that pipeline construction doesn’t impact federal forest lands and habitats. This movie is an exciting whodunnit mystery where you don’t want to be one of two left because you just might be the werewolf. A huge snowstorm hits the town and the power is destroyed leaving all of the town’s residents to stay together at the local inn…..except one of them is the werewolf.

This movie has a very Needful Things feel to it*, wherein the townspeople seem to be pitted against one another until they snap….lashing out at each other. Not all of the deaths in the movie are caused by the werewolf. One is burned alive, one is run over with a truck, one is blown up, one is stabled with a sap spigot from a maple tree, several are shot. Really…..the werewolf only kills one person and a dog through the whole movie. The townspeople take care of everything else.

I feel compelled to not spoil this one. Let’s just say that there are LOTS of clues about who the werewolf is. Happy guessing!

*The movie embraces its Stephen King vibe with a character named Trisha who is said to be just like Stephen King’s Trisha (from The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon).

Photo Credit: imdb.com


A quirky adventurer who often has misadventures.


The House on Haunted Hill


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