Mortal Kombat (1995)

Platform: VUDU (owned movie)

Director: Paul Anderson

Release Year: 1995

Watch Date: April 21 & 22, 2021

My Rating: 8.0

I loved this movie when I was a kid. To be honest, I haven’t seen t in quite a while. The characters were more whiney than I remembered, but all in all, it is a pretty good film. The casting was great (if you ignore the fact that Christopher Lambert clearly doesn’t fit the role of Lord Rayden……) and it was easy to be vaguely sympathetic with the characters.

For coming out in 1995 the special effect are actually pretty awesome. The script has some witty one liners, even if the plot and direction of the script are completely predictable. I find it amazing that Sonya finds her self falling for Johnny given his blatant misogyny and cocky attitude….but there is someone out there for everyone I guess. Overall, I gave this one an 8 because I liked the scripting and the sets were fantastic.

Would watch again.

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A quirky adventurer who often has misadventures.

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