Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Platform: Disney+

Director: Gareth Edwards

Release Year: 2016

Watch Date: April 17, 2021

My Rating: 8.7

I really didn’t have any expectations coming into this movie. I certainly did not anticipate liking it….especially given my Star Wars experience so far. Rogue One not only fills a major plot hole in the Star Wars Saga, it does it with feeling and intention. The casting for Rogue One was much better than the casting for Solo was. The actors help you feel connected to the characters.

The outcome of the movie was obvious (we had to get the Death Star plans to Princess Leia somehow….), and I knew that Jyn’s death was imminent, but it still hurt when it came. Almost as much as K-2SO’s death. Unlike C-3PO, K-2SO is not annoying. I actually find his honesty and need to say what pops into his microchips refreshing. I also really enjoyed watching K-2SO and Jyn’s relationship blossom throughout the movie.

I have liked Felicity Jones since I first saw her in Northanger Abbey several years ago (consequently Northanger Abbey is my favorite Jane Austen novel). She has a simple beauty and versatile acting skills. I don’t think I have seen a Felicity Jones movie I don’t like. Partnering her with other greats like Mads Mikkelson (I love his brother Lars as well), Diego Luna (Y Tu Mama Tambien anyone?), Forest Whitaker (a legend), and Alan Tudyk (also a very versatile favorite of mine…..but he will always be Wash to me).

Aside from the amazing actors, the cinematography and special effects were phenomenal. So, you’re probably wondering why the 8.7 with such a glowing review….fair enough. I understand needing continuity with characters, but the digitization of Grand Moff Tarkin’s face to look like Peter Cushing was terrible…..sometimes, the old ways are the best ways. I feel like it would have been better if they had used makeup, instead of special effects, to pull of the look. You know it’s possible….people do makeup to look like other people all the time. I also did not appreciate the I also felt like the story could have been developed a little bit more and that some of the fighting scenes were made overly complicated.

I would watch it again.

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A quirky adventurer who often has misadventures.



Solo: A Star Wars Story