And So It Begins

I really want to work on me this year. Aside from taking care of my uterus issues, I also want to work on my flexibility and fitness. I started taking the Opti-Reds and Greens from 1stPhorm and have noticed a huge difference in my gut health and my immune health. I want to start eating better and doing more physical activity. I am currently trying out Apple Fitness because I got a subscription when I upgraded my watch. So far I like it.

One of my other plans was to start a Patreon for healthy cooking and travel adventures. My thought is that it will help keep me accountable. I don’t actually expect to have any patrons, but should there be any, I wouldn’t want to disappoint them. I’ll have to plan ahead for when I have surgery. The OBGYN still hasn’t called me……I digress. So, I launched my Patreon on April 1st and this is my first week of actual posts. My recipe post was a day late….but I figured since I don’t actually have any patrons it wouldn’t be the end of the world. This week we are making Filipino Pancit with kelp noodles and Dijon Shrimp and Brussels Sprouts. The pancit episode drops at 8 am tomorrow morning.

I will have to be better about my outfit choice for next time. I didn’t realize that my shorts were so short. I also need to look for a less expensive closed captioning app because I want to make sure my videos are accessible. The pancit episode is not, unfortunately. So, here is to new adventures. Luckily the new adventures will lead to more frequent blog posts.

Also, I’ve almost had this website for a year now. :)


A quirky adventurer who often has misadventures.

And Just as Quickly Ends 😂


Hard Decisions