And Just as Quickly Ends 😂

After a week of internal agony evaluating all of the things I have going on in my life right now, I decided now wasn’t the right time to start a Patreon. Eating healthy is still a priority. I’m just also prioritizing my dissertation and my female health.

Speaking of female health….I have an appointment with the OBGYN on Tuesday (see also: Hard Decisions post). I am anxious about it, but also relieved because that puts me one step closer to gaining back my vacation time for actual vacation instead of having to use it because my reproductive system is mean (and possibly trying to kill me).

In other news, my friend and I are watching the Star Wars movies together. I forgot how much I liked reviewing movies so I started a Movie Reviews section. Let me know if there is anything you want me to review. I am also thinking about adding recipe and places pages.

Until next time, be kind to yourself and others. And don’t forget to slow down and take some time for you. Self care is important.


A quirky adventurer who often has misadventures.

Nonsense and Excitement


And So It Begins