A Quiet Place 1 & 2
Platform: VUDU (owned movies)
Director: John Krasinski
Release Year: 2018 & 2020
Watch Date: I dion’t quite remember…..After Trilogy of Terror and before Gunpowder Milkshake
My Rating: 8.7 & 9.1
I had previously seen Part 1, but watched it again to refresh myself. This is the story of a family living on a farm, trying to stay alive during an alien invasion. If the aliens hear you, they will kill you. The daughter, Regan, is deaf (I only mention it because it is important). At the beginning of the first movie the youngest son of the family is killed by an alien. Regan blames herself. It has been over a year and The family has adapted to living in silence. Evelyn (the mom) is pregnant.
The family must fight to save their farm. Evelyn has the baby under grueling conditions, Regan and her brother Marcus almost drown in grain, Regan figures out that the aliens run away every time her hearing aid sets off a high pitched noise, and Lee (the dad) sacrifices himself for his children. Part 1 ends with Evelyn, Marcus, Regan, and the baby trapped in the basement of the house watching a lot of aliens running to the house. Regan puts her hearing aid up to the radio speaker and the movie ends.
Part 2 is a true continuation and not a sequel because, after a brief flash back to how the apocalypse started, it picks up right were the prior movie ended. The aliens are scared off by the noise and the family realizes that they need to leave. Regan shows on a map where there should be more people and the family heads off, beyond the known path, to find help. The run across Emmett who has lost his entire family. He doesn’t want to help them.
They hear music (Somewhere Beyond the Sea) and Regan figures out that it is coming from an island. If she can get to the island, she can help more people. She leaves and Evelyn convinces Emmett to go after Regan and bring her back. Emmett ends up deciding to help Regan get to the island. Evelyn goes into town for medicine and supplies, Marcus and the baby get trapped in a vault, there are fights with several aliens, Emmett and Regan make it to the island and at the last minute Regan once again saves the day.
What I think I like the most about this movie is the old school effects. Sure the aliens are CGI, but everything else seems like real sets with real effects. The script (what little there is to say) is meaningful. John Krasinski manages to tell a captivating story through acting (imagine that) instead of relying on a wordy script.
Definitely recommend. Will watch again.
Photo Credit: imdb.com