Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Platform: Disney+

Director: George Lucas

Year Released: 1980

Watch Date: April 5, 2021

My Rating: 7.3

I know that this is a lot of people’s favorite Star Wars movie, but I had trouble getting in to it. Once again Luke’s whiny arrogance put the lives of others in danger. What saves this movie is the witty dialogue between Han and Leia and Leia’s brilliant to example of womanly resilience and capability. She is truly a character ahead of her time and I can see how she inspired a generation. I felt like the iconic “No, I AM your father” scene was over acted….to the point that it made me laugh out loud.

Would watch again.

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A quirky adventurer who often has misadventures.

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi


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