31 Nights of Horror The Children

Platform: Peacock

Director: Max Kalmanowicz

Release Year: 1980

Watch Date: October 22, 2023

My Rating: 4.9

Maybe 80s movies weren’t such a good idea. Or maybe I need to watch movies from later in the 80s. At first, I thought this one was made after Chornobyl, but that happened in 86, and this movie came out in 80. The movie starts with two workers trying to determine what was causing issues at the nuclear power plant. But, 5:00 comes, and they go home without giving it a second look. The plant is leading and creates a gas. A school bus of kids goes through the gas and become killer zombies.

When they touch other people, they burn them alive. But chemical burn, not fire burn. The zombie kids begin killing people around town. The sheriff figures out what is going on and figures out that cutting off the hands of the kids stops them. Shooting them doesn’t. So…off their hands come. I suppose that is much better than having to cut off their heads. You have to cut off both hands, though….otherwise they can still get ya. I’m glad the kids didn’t get the pregnant lady. The movie ends with her having her baby; however, it turns out to be a killer zombie baby.

I didn’t give this one a zero, like Death Ship, because the script and acting were both good. While ridiculous because only kids seemed to be impacted by the vapors of the nuclear power plant, it wasn’t nearly as ridiculous as a Nazi torture ship. With good cinematography, story, and acting it was worthy of an okay score. I, however, won’t be watching it again.

Photo Credit: imdb.com


A quirky adventurer who often has misadventures.


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