31 Nights of Horror Death Ship

Platform: Amazon Prime

Director: Alvin Rakoff

Release Year: 1980

Watch Date: October 21, 2023

My Rating: 0

You are probably wondering why I gave this movie a 0. It had potential but fell short of everything. A cruise ship is rammed by a freighter and there are 9 survivors. The survivors board the freighter and very quickly lose one of their party. The captain becomes possessed by the ship and another passenger is killed. This leaves a couple (a crew member and a woman) that met on the ship and a family of four (the first mate, his wife, and their son and daughter).

The first mate and crew member go looking around the ship, trying to find the woman (who the captain throws overboard). Up to this point, the movie had great potential (aside from some bad acting)…and then it turns out to be a Nazi interrogation ship. The first mate and crew member find a torture room full of dead bodies that look mummified. What the what? The crew member ends up dying in a water pit filled with bones. The family finds a freezer full of dead bodies, but also life vests and a raft.

The captain tries to kill the family, but they end up getting away. As they are paddling into the sunset the boat takes off in another direction. The family is rescued, and the movie ends with the ship ramming into another vessel. I have so many questions. Like, why would the Nazis waste a ship as a torture vessel….especially with how targeted their ships were. With all of the cool things the writers could have done, it had to be Nazis…so disappointing. Everything in the movie went downhill from the moment it turned out to be Nazis.

Boring, annoying, badly written, and then appalling and disappointing. I do not recommend this movie at all. I will not be watching it again.

Photo Credit: imdb.com


A quirky adventurer who often has misadventures.


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