Lessons Learned?
Ah, the bittersweet agony of working from home….or in the office while everyone else works from home. One thing that I have noticed about social distancing and telecommuting is that you really learn a person’s true colors when they are put in a stressful situation. When my body isn’t trying to kill me, I am usually pretty calm under pressure. My problem is that I feed off of the energy of other people and when they are stressed out, I get anxious, and then my body tries to kill me. I think emotional exhaustion is my body’s coping mechanism, which wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t then worry myself into being sick, or have a need to escape by sleeping all the time.
I’m digressing. I have learned a lot about people, not just coworkers, lately. Some people who I thought had it all together are freaking the eff out, while some people who seem to never have it together are super chill. Some people who I thought were honest and nice, turned out to have a moral compass that doesn’t point the same way mine does and are rude and snarky when they don’t get their way. I love psychology and the “why” behind people’s actions, so I find all of this to be very interesting. I’m curious to see where this all takes us (which I think I said in a previous post….or maybe that was on Facebook). The world is going to want to wake up and get back to normal, but I wonder if that is wise. I read a really great article by Julio Vincent Gambuto on Forge by Medium about the gas-lighting that is coming. It’s worth a read. If you are interested you can find the article at here.
Have you learned any interesting lessons from this COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing?
Meet Ernesto! This picture is from a couple of years ago. I bought him for one of the kiddos I love. We had a lot of fun dressing him up before buying him.