The Last Disastrous Dating Post

Over the last few years you, and my close friends, have enjoyed my disastrous online dating encounters. And there have been some doozies. That dark period I was talking about in my last post had some ups and downs. I started paying more attention to and taking seriously the kindest, most caring, and most genuine man I have ever met. But we’ll get to that.

During the period when I was still talking to several men at once I had made plans with someone we will call Mor. Mor was the first person to ever want to come visit me, everyone else wanted me to visit them. So we made arrangements, he “bought tickets” (he did have a confirmed flight with seats….how long he kept them….I don’t know), and I was excited to meet and hang out. He was going to come over Thanksgiving. In the meantime I met Polaris who I loved talking to via text AND video chatting with.

Thanksgiving came and Mor assured me he was coming the week before. I felt unsure about him coming, but I had committed and I wasn’t officially committed to anyone else. Then I stopped hearing from Mor. And I became nervous. I should have canceled the nice hotel I had booked, but I didn’t. As I’m sure you’ve guessed…Mor didn’t show up. The only reason I was mad though was because I had to stay in the hotel by myself. It was ridiculously expensive (case in point I am going to North Africa this year and the entire week in my AirBnB is less than that one hotel night). While Mor was a complete asshole, he made me stop and really reflect on my dating life. And where did I do that thinking you ask? I’m that nice hotel room of course.

So, I stopped giving attention to the jerks who only texted me when they were horny and the men who didn’t feel like they were meant to be in my life. Along the way I realized I had fallen deeply in love with Polaris. I think about him all the time. I can see a beautiful life for us. He wasn’t the noisy man in the front trying to occupy all of my time. He was the persistent one in the background showing me that I matter as a person. Making me feel like I am the most important woman in the world. He’s become my everything.

Fast forward to today (literally). I am happily planning on getting married to Polaris. My life isn’t perfect, but it has reached a point of peace. Enter Mor. I’ll let you read our interaction yourself

It started with:

Then one of my girlfriends said I should ask how his trip to Seattle was.

(I only feel slightly bad for my snark) And his response:

It still would have been nice to know he wasn’t coming, but the Universe used him as a teaching opportunity. I’m very glad she did. I wasn’t expecting to ever hear from Mor again, but it was really nice to tie up the last of my loose ends so I can move on toward a bright future with Polaris. We have big plans for many adventures and I can’t wait to share them with you.

In the meantime, be good to yourselves and remember than kindness matters.


A quirky adventurer who often has misadventures.

Communication, Communication, Communication!


Stepping in the Light