Personality Path

I recently received an intriguing email from Greg at Personality Path. He had seen my post on Enneagrams (see More Self Discovery) and what I had learned about myself. Greg let me know that he has a company offering a free Enneagram test and additional resources on the personality types and asked if I would be willing to look it over and provide feedback.

Of course I would!

I love Enneagrams and was excited to have the opportunity to do some more research without feeling bad for working on something other than my dissertation. Before I get into Personality Path - I just finished up my interviews and am going to put the transcripts into my data analysis tool and see what I find out. I’m going to start writing Chapter 4 (research method) this week.

Okay, back to the real purpose of this post. I checked out the Personality Path website last Thursday. I started by going to the about us section to learn more about the company. It didn’t even take reading past the mission before I was completely sold. People who want to help other people become their best self? That’s what I am all about. I started my doctorate because I saw a need to help people who supervise others learn how to actually lead those people to increase job (and in turn) life satisfaction.

It is easy to see where transformational leadership, empathy, and understanding the personality types of others could be a huge benefit. But I digress….this isn’t about me…’s about Greg, Zippora (such an awesome name!), Chris, and their company Personality Path. In the about us section, they discuss why they chose the name Personality Path. It’s beautifully written. Here is a screen shot I took of my favorite part:

The main goal of Personality Path is to give people the tools that they need to do the work necessary to become their best self, using Enneagrams as the foundation for the toolbox. With Enneagrams the user is able to find out what their main personality types are so that they can do research and learn how to use that information to their best advantage.

I love that Greg, Zippora, and Chris recognize what a big responsibility it is to provide this information to users. They are constantly staying up to date on current research so they are able to provide the users with the best information possible. I also love that there is a little bio on Greg, Zippora, and Chris complete with their dominant personality type. There is a bonus bio on Andreas Ebert who provided expert advice.

Next, I took the Enneagrams test. The test is free to take and provides you with your top three personality types and your scores on all 9 types. As will the other test I took, my top two personality types are type 5 (Investigator) and type 4 (Individualist). My third top personality type was type 1 (Improver), which I found super interesting. After taking the test the site gives you more detailed information about your dominant type. They then have the option of buying even more detailed information for your dominant type, for your dominant type plus one type you’d like, or you can get a complete bundle for all 9 types. You know me and my investigator mindset……of course I needed all of the types! Your purchase comes with lifetime updates and a 30 day money back guarantee. You are also able to preview the information you will receive.

Even if you choose not to purchase any additional information, Personality Path has sections where you can discover about the 9 Enneagram types and read a complete introduction to Enneagrams. All of the information provided is detailed and engaging to read. I definitely recommend checking out the site. If you do, let me know what you think! I also would love to know what your main personality types are.

Thank you so much for reaching out to me, Greg. I look forward to having some time to read through all of the information for each personality type. I also want to sit down and figure out the best way to incorporate an understanding of Enneagrams into my leadership belief structure. You, Zippora, and Chris seem like wonderful people and I love what you are doing with Personality Path.



A quirky adventurer who often has misadventures.

It’s Been a Hot Minute


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