Growing Up?
The past few weeks have been filled with growth and self discovery. It’s been nice to learn more about who I am and what I want. I recently started a TikTok account. Not really to post anything, but to find like minded people with positive content. It is with the discovery of TikTok and its mysterious algorithm that I have learned the most about myself. For instance, I am attracted to burly men with neat beards, chest hair, and tattoos. Who knew? As suspected I am also drawn to the uplifting videos, videos about basic human decency, dark humor (this is that internal conflict and enigma in me), and empathy. I found some new songs I like, followed some people, found one of my in real life friends, and had to put a self imposed time restriction on so I don’t spend 6 hours watching videos.
Yesterday I figured I should post a video to say “hi” so my page had some sort of content. I don’t know if I want to post anything else, but I figured there was absolutely no harm in saying “hi.” I totally got trolled by some 12 year old kid (he might have been older….didn’t look older than 14 though) who immediately informed me that I was not on Tinder. Yah, I know….I would be on Tinder if I wanted to have sex with random strangers….not to find like minded people. Some other kid brought attention to my bio which apparently wasn’t up to their standards, and girl told them they should be nice. Then I got a “She’s probably looking for a Roblox boyfriend” (whatever the {fill in with word of choice} that means) and a “hi.”
Let’s touch briefly back on 12yo Troll’s profile. He had proudly pasted statements like “black lives matter is crap” “abortion is not a woman’s choice” and “trans people are not people.” I was appalled. You know that Troll is learning those narrow minded views at home. My favorite though was his statement “God is best and Jesus saves.” He clearly doesn’t believe that though because according to the Bible, God said we should love everyone and Jesus hung out with sinners and “less desirables.” This is the part where I feel I must be growing up, because I wanted to internet stalk the Troll’s parents and tell them they were doing a bang up job raising a racist homophobic bullying a-hole. But instead I blocked him (I don’t need that negativity in my life) and turned off comments on my video.
To those of you out there creating content and being you, keep it up, I love it. Ignore the trolls and the haters. To the 12yo Troll, may your image of God bless you. I hope you grow up to learn that people matter, they have feelings, and everyone is deserving of love. In the meantime, I hope karma gives you everything you deserve. To the girl who stood up for me. You are a beautiful soul and your content looked uplifting. I also hope karma gives you everything you deserve to.
Until next time, stay safe, smile, and may good things come your way.