Why I Worry for Chris Evans

It’s no secret that Chris Evans is one of my role models. I appreciate that he uses his fame platform for good. Not only did he help found A Starting Point (see my last post), but he does a lot of other amazing philanthropic things. For instance, he helps support causes like childhood literacy and he gives praise to people who deserve it (like the little boy who saved his sister from a dog attack). I also like that a lot of the opinions Chris shares align with my thoughts. I have a feeling that if given the opportunity, Chris and I would be friends. The likelihood of that happening though……I’m more likely to win the lottery.

I do dream of someday meeting Chris thought. Literally. I literally have dreams about meeting Chris. In my most recent dream I was on my way to Washington, D.C. and I had a layover in LA. Chris happened to be heading to D.C. on the same flight I was on (does Chris fly commercial airlines?) and was sitting across the isle from me in first class. I didn’t notice him at first (I try hard not to pay attention to other people on the airplane with me to reduce my anxiety). He tweeted before take-off and then watched me like his tweet….he giggled…..then I noticed him. We ended up having a long conversation about books (Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari and A Short History of Almost Everything by Bill Bryson among others), politics, and the fundamental flaw in managerial leadership in the United States. I’ve also met Chris in Boston, New York, Los Angeles, and Denver (weird, I know).

I’m getting off topic.

I recently saw an interview that Chris did with Bill Maher (who I always get confused with Anderson Cooper for some reason) where he opened up about wanting to find a life partner. I felt a little sad for Chris. I know what it is like to struggle to find the right person to spend the rest of my life with. I also am content being at home, so I’m not always out there meeting people. But I’m not famous or extremely attractive like Chris is. It must be extra hard for Chris to find that special someone amidst all of the people who want to be with Chris for his fame, his fortune, and the status that being with Chris brings to them. I’m sure I wouldn’t worry or feel so invested in Chris’ love life if he seemed shallow, arrogant, or egotistical, but he seems down to earth, kind, generous, and like a genuinely good person.

Hang in there Chris. That special someone will come along eventually and will definitely be worth the wait. In the meantime, if you need a friend to talk about books, politics, leadership, and a plethora of other topics with………


A quirky adventurer who often has misadventures.


Perhaps I Should Rename this Blog….


A Starting Point