Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? A New Post?!?
That’s right, a new post. And it hasn’t even been six months! Woot!
I have been doing a lot of introspection lately. Thinking about who I am and what I put up with. Let’s face it, I’m not very kind to myself. I let people treat me ways that I would never dream of treating someone else. I recognize that I hold my self to a higher standard than I do other people (a ridiculously high standard that is unrealistic and often unachievable….but that’s a different story). But this isn’t like that.
I started to reflect on my relationships with men. I’ve noticed that the common denominator seems to come down to sex. I’m good enough to sext when they are horny, but not good enough to contact otherwise. Except for the scammers…but I could write a whole blog post on them and the cycle they seem to go through (is there a scammer school somewhere???). I think I’ve already mentioned how I like to play with the scammers to divert their attention from someone else for a while.
I got off track. So the cycle seems to be (sorry if this is TMI for any of you out there): meet, have one day of good conversation, conversation quickly turns to sexting, sexting turns into photos, photos turn into videos, and then…..they ghost me. And the cycle starts again with someone new. So I made a decision. No more photos. Absolutely no more videos. You want me, come get me. I know that I have a lot to offer. I get that my open honesty can seem like a lot, but I promise our relationship will be better for it.
So, to send this post off with a bang I will tell you about a recent encounter that still has me giggling. We’ll call the dude in this scenario Bob (although I have a funny story about an actual “Bob”):
Bob: Hey baby,
Me: Hey there
Bob: I’m so horny right now.
Me: You should probably do something about that.
Bob: Wanna help?
Me: (sighs because I know what is coming) And how can I do that with the distance between us?
Bob: Got an pictures that will help?
Me: Pornhub is free.
Bob: LOL you’re funny.
Me: I’m serious.
Bob: Oh
I haven’t heard from Bob since. I can’t for the life of me figure out why (insert tears of laughter rolling on the floor emoji).
As always, thank you for reading. Until next time, be kind to yourself. You are doing the best you can. Much love, Zuzu.