A Month Later

Hey there! So, it’s been a month since I last wrote and I’m really excited that I actually managed to do the 31 Nights of Horror over in my movie reviews. It’s been really nice to have some constancy in the chaos that seems to be my life lately.

I watch a lot of movies, but I also listen to (and occasionally) read quite a few books. I decided to start blogging about those too and added a section called “Books! Books! Books!” My first review is a book I started yesterday and finished listening to today.

So far this year I have listened to 83 books and read 1.5. I expect to finish the second one soon. I usually only read in the weekends. My listening is usually done when I am in the car, coloring, or sewing. Listening is easier for me. And I’m a fast listener. I feel like 1x speed is too slow and usually listen at 2x. I had to slow down Dolly Parton’s Behind the Seams because she talks fast like I do.

One of the other reason I wanted to start blogging my books is because I want to become a book reviewer. That will help me get my hands on new things. I’m very eclectic, so if you start reading the reviews, you’ll see a little bit of a lot of genera’s. I’m also adding my Goodreads profile to my contact page. And I have an Amazon Bookclub if you are interested. I want to start reading one physical book per month.


A quirky adventurer who often has misadventures.


Palestine LIBRE!


31 Nights of Horror