Lumpy Ride
The past month (almost two) has taken me on a wild, yet stressful, ride. I’ve had a lump in my right breast for at least the last fourish years. I don’t remember exactly when I first noticed it. It would come and go. It behaved a lot like a cyst, which is what my doctor and I thought it was. I started calling it Lumpy because I am weird like that.
Toward the end of October I thought it felt bigger and harder, but didn’t think much of it…until a week later when not only was Lumpy still there, it seemed even bigger and harder. I knew Polaris would tell me to go to the doctor, so that’s what I did. I went in on Monday and by Wednesday I was having a mammogram and ultrasound.
The Radiologist came to talk to me using scary words like malignant and put in orders for me to get a biopsy. The biopsy was the next week on Thursday. Then I had to wait…results would take 5-7 business days.
They came. The day before Thanksgiving. While I was at Walmart.
The diagnosis: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
The good news: it didn’t look like it had expanded to my lymph nodes
The bad news: I needed genetic testing because I am “so young” and there is a family history of breast cancer. I may need chemo and radiation.
So I told Polaris and canceled my holiday trip to see him and our family. Then I scheduled my surgery and all of the appointments that went with it. The genetic testing came back with no warning markers (thank heaven!) and my pre-op went well.
The day of surgery was stressful, but I made it through with the help of good friends and loved ones. It’s been about a week and I am feeling pretty good. No pain. Minimal discomfort. But this crazy fatigue has me emotional and might kill me.
A few days ago I met with my Radiology Oncologist…which was pretty much pointless without Lumpy’s pathology back from the lab. So now I wait to see if I need chemo and radiation or just radiation. I have an appointment with my surgeon next week and medical oncology the week after.
I’ll keep you posted. Until then, be kind to yourself and others and remember that you are always enough. ❤️